Why did you get a tattoo?
well.......honest answer
i wanted to prove to myself that i could make a BIG decision in my life and live with the consequences

Were you happy with your decision?
...and are you still happy?

Were you convinced by any friends or influenced?
not so much convinced, but reassured
i was pretty dead set on it

What does your tattoo mean to you? does it symbolize anything?
it's a celtic arrow that signifies focus and straightness over boundaries
so it's a way of saying that i don't have to live within the boundaries

Would you say tattoos are creative? and why are they creative?
hmmmmm...creative in art sense?

Well what does creative mean to you?
i think on the makes a person SEEM more interesting
but it creates this stigma like i could walk around and be myself
but it's entirely possible that once they [some people] see the tatoo
their opinion changes, good or bad
either way but i think creative implies
Is it a form of art to you?
nooooooo because there are some people who do it because it will make them cool
or make them feel better about themselves, and to some people they LIKE that stigma it is circumstantial?

to me, i don't necessarily LIKE the stigma but i accept it
and i'm not saying that i needed to get a tattoo to remind me of who i am
How did you go about picking your tattoo?
i looked on some sites, and then started doodling


Did you know you wanted it to be in the context of no boundaries?

Do your parents know?
No, i take special care not to take pictures showing the tattoo
How long have you had it?
3 years
i'm gonna tell em eventually

Carisa: when you are 40?

And is there anything else you'd like to share?
i'm getting another one once i get some cash