Alexis' Point of View on Creativity

This is Alexis Robertson.

Creativity is in the eye of the beholder.  What one person thinks is creative, the next person might think is a bunch of hooey.  Creativity comes in many different forms, and we traditionally think of the forms of art that come out as creativity.  Even so, everyone has to use creativity in at least one realm of their life, whether they think they are using it or not.  A teacher has to come up with original lesson plan, a chef makes each of his dishes a little different every time, and even a regular girl fixes her hair in the morning.  The things that seem repetitive always have a slightly different outcome.  So I guess that is what my definition of creativity is:  being different.  This doesn’t mean it has to necessarily be outside of what society calls the norm.  Creativity gives a tweak to life.  It would be a very boring world if everyone didn’t use their creative capabilities everyday. 


So while tattoos may be thought as an artistic form of creative expression, think of the people who have them, and the people who gave them to those people, and think of how their everyday life uses creativity.  Having something to show for their everyday creative endeavors is what’s behind those tattoos.   





Brandon Boyd of the band Incubus--can't you just smell the "rewards" in this page? There's also an interesting, creative tattoo on his arm.